
Different Types of Online Roulette

Various online casino games have become more widely available for gamblers since the emergence of betting sites. This development enabled punters to play in the comfort of their homes, which became even more prevalent when the COVID-19 pandemic was declared. Playing casino games became convenient, which attracted new gamblers to try online gambling Malaysia.

Roulette is one of the many casino games that became more accessible with the emergence of online betting Malaysia. The growth of online roulette offers numerous benefits over land-based casinos. Online roulette’s advantages are that gamblers can play the game remotely, making it easier to compete against live dealers. Online roulette also features lower minimum bets that help increase the accessibility of the game to players with smaller bankrolls.

Over the years, roulette variations in online roulette have been created for gamblers’ enjoyment and entertainment. In learning how to win online roulette, it is vital to be familiar with the different versions of roulette so that one will know which will be the most beneficial.

European roulette is one of the prominent roulette variations. This type of roulette game is played on a wheel with 37 pockets, with one pocket containing zero. Many gamblers prefer to play European roulette due to its lower house edge, which is 2.7%. This lower house edge means more potential for bettors to win big payouts. The 0 pocket in the roulette wheel pays 3:1 instead of the usual 1:1, which allows gamblers to gain profit.

American roulette is another roulette variation that gamblers can explore. In this type of roulette, the pockets on the roulette wheel are numbered 1 to 36, with two pockets marked 0 and 00. This extra pocket implies that American roulette has a higher house edge than other roulette variations, which makes it less favorable for gamblers.

The rules in American roulette are identical to the European roulette variation, except for the Five-Number bet. The Five-Number bet allows bettors to wager on five consecutive numbers.

Learn more about the different types of online roulette with this infographic provided by CM2Bet.

Different Types of Online RouletteDifferent Types of Online Roulette